Landfill Site
The municipal landfill site, located at 10 Sno Road in Mattice, is certified and approved by the Ministry of the Environment to receive solid non-hazardous municipal and commercial waste generated within the Municipality of Mattice – Val Côté.
The usual hours of operation of the site are:
Thursdays 2 - 5 PM
Saturdays 10 AM - 5 PM
Access to the site is only allowed during the hours of operation, when the site is supervised by the landfill attendant.
Arrangements can be made with the Municipality should you need to bring waste to the site outside of its regular hours of operation. There will be a charge for this service.
Tire, electronics, metal, clean wood
Please leave these items in the respective piles set up for each of these recyclable products. With respect to clean wood, the Municipality can obtain permission from the Ministry to burn that pile provided it abides by a number of conditions.
Tipping fees
Fees are collected on certain items, based on quantity. Unless you have made previous arrangements at the municipal office, all fees are to be paid in cash to the landfill attendant.